Zol Shoyn Kumen Di Geule
Zol Shoyn Kumen Di Geule
- Redemption Should Come Already
Ongezolyet oyfn hartsn, makht men a lekhayim,
Oyb der umet lozt nit ruen -- zingen mir a lid.
Iz nito keyn bisl bronfn -- lomir trinken mayim,
Mayim-khayim iz dokh khayim -- vos darf nokh der yid?
Zol shoyn kumen di geule
Meshiekh kumt shoyn bald!
S'iz a dor fun kule-khayev, zayt nit keyn naronim -
Un fun zindikn -- Meshiekh gikher kumen vet!
Akh, du tatele, in himl, s'betn bney rakhmonim;
Ze, Mishiekh zol nit kumen a bisele tsu shpet...
S'tantsn beymer in di velder, shtern oyfn himl,
Reb Yisroel, der mekhutn, dreyt zikh in der mit,
S'vet zikh oyfvekn Meshiekh fun zayn tifn driml
Ven er vet derhern undzer tfiledike lid.
When you're feeling low, take a little drink!
If sorrow persists, then let's sing a song.
If there is no whiskey, we can drink water.
Fresh water is life itself, and what more does a Jew need?
May our salvation arrive!
The Messiah will soon appear! (repeat)
It is a guilty generation, do not be misled,
But for the sinning, the Messiah will come sooner.
Oh, Lord above, we beseech You --
See that the Messiah does not come too late!
Trees are dancing in the woods, stars dancing in heaven,
And Reb Israel whirls in their midst.
The Messiah will waken from his slumber
When he hears our prayerful song.
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