The Exodus Story With The Disney Characters

Haggadah Section: -- Exodus Story

The Exodus Story

It is now time for the Passover story! A long time ago, in the land of Mitzriyam (or Egypt, in this case), there lived a very mean king called Pharaoh. Actually, he was called Sethi, but we’ll call him Pharaoh.

Because he was afraid the Israelites might overthrow him, he made them slaves. He even decided to kill every Hebrew boy that had been recently born! Luckily one Hebrew mother sent her recently born son down the river in a basket.

Pharaoh’s daughter found the little baby and named him Moses. Moses grew up to be a prince in the palace, but he saw an Egyptian beating an elderly Hebrew, so he killed the Egyptian task master! Moses then fled to Midian where he became a Hebrew shepherd.

One day, he saw a burning bush, and herd the voice of Adonai speaking threw it. Adonai commanded Moses to go back to Mitzriyam and tell Pharaoh let the people of Israel go. Adonai also sent Moses’s brother Aaron with him. Moses and Aaron went to Pharaoh (aka Mr. Rameseson), and spoke to him. Unfortunately, the latter refused, and that would be a BIG mistake! So Aaron cast down his staff and turned into a serpent.

Mr. Rameseson still wouldn’t let the Jews go!

Mickey Mouse: Boy, is that Pharaoh stubborn or what?

He sure was!

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