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"title": "Spiritual Preparation for Passover by MIchael Argyle ",
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"covertext": "Spiritual Preparation for Passover On the day before Passover, it is a custom to search throughout one’s home for any tr...",
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"body": "<p><strong>Spiritual Preparation for Passover</strong></p>\n\n<p>On the day before Passover, it is a custom to search throughout one’s home for any trace of <em>chametz</em> — leavening. One way of looking at Chametz/Leaven is as the ways in which your life is “bloated” in a material sense – the stuff and activities that are superfluous to and distracting from the fulfillment of your deepest dreams and goals.</p>\n\n<p><strong>Identifying your “Chametz”</strong></p>\n\n<p>Look around your house for the “stuff” that isn’t really important to you. Identify the “stff” that encumbers more than it liberates. Roughly calculate the hours of your life-energy you devoted to earning enough to acquire this “stuff”. Examine how you spend your time and identify the activities that are “Chametzdik”, unnecessary expenditures of your time and life-energy spent in pursuit of things that are irrelevant or distracting to the life purposes you identified above. What would living a “Chametz-free” life for a week be like?</p>\n\n<p><strong>Identifying your “Matzah”</strong></p>\n\n<p>Matzah is called “simple bread” or “poor man’s bread.” One way of looking at Matzah is as those simple activities and things that truly nourish you and help you accomplish your deepest dreams. What Matzah can you identify in your life? What are the physical items in your household that really do nourish you and assist you in the fulfillment of your dreams? What are the “Matzahdik” activities in your life, those activities that bring your closer to the fulfillment of your life’s purposes?</p>\n\n<p><strong>Identifying your Mitzrayims</strong></p>\n\n<p>What Mitzrayims, what “straits and limitations,” can you identify in your own life? To what are you enslaved? In what areas of your life are you in need of liberation?</p>\n\n<p><strong>Making a Personal Exodus</strong></p>\n\n<p>In every generation, a person is obligated to regard himself as if he personally left Egypt. <em>-The Haggadah</em> How might you use this information is preparing for and carrying out your own “Exodus”, your own journey of liberation this Passover? What “Chametz” would you like to eliminate and what “Matzah” would you like to “ingest” more of during the week of Passover in order to help you break free from some of your “Mitzrayims”?</p>\n\n<p><strong>Making a Communal Exodus</strong></p>\n\n<p>The original Exodus was much more than a collection of personal liberations. It was a collective liberation, a liberation of an entire people. How can we engage our society in an Exodus from materialism and over-consumption? How do we begin the journey towards the Promised Land, a land rich in community, rich in opportunities for the development of our human potential, and rich in relationships with each other and the rest of the planet? Their land is full of silver and gold, there is no limit to their treasure. Their land is full of horses, there is not limit to their chariots. And so their land is full of idols: they bow down to the work of their hands, to what their own fingers have wrought. - <em>Isaiah</em> 2:7-9 The upper classes in any society are more satisfied with their lives than the lower classes are, but they are no more satisfied than the upper classes of much poorer societies – nor than the upper classes were in the less affluent past. Consumption is thus a treadmill, with everyone judging their status by who is ahead and who is behind.</p>\n",
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"covertext": "The Passover Seder Plate is the centerpiece of the Passover meal and is the heart of the Passover Seder. The foods that...",
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"body": "<p><strong>The Passover Seder Plate </strong>is the centerpiece of the Passover meal and is the heart of the Passover Seder. The foods that are placed on the Seder Plate are integral to the telling of the Passover story. There are six different foods on the Passover Seder plate and each serves the purpose of retelling the story of Exodus..</p>\n\n<p>MATZAH</p>\n\n<p> <em>Matzah</em> is one of the most iconic elements of Passover. During the Exodus from Egypt, the Jews fled so quickly that there was no time to waste waiting for bread to ris. Instead, they ate unleavened matzah in their desperate escape from slavery. What was once an act of necessity is now celebrated in triumphant, everlasting joy. Jews choose to eat matzah in honor of their ancestors, and to celebrate their freedom. This special bread is included on the Seder plate, or next to it.</p>\n\n<p>BITTER HERBS</p>\n\n<p> <em>Maror</em> and <em>Chazeret</em> are bitter herbs, such as romaine lettuce, endives, or horseradish, which are eaten to remind the participants of the bitter and frightening journey of Exodus.</p>\n\n<p>CHAROSET</p>\n\n<p> <em>Charoset</em> is a sweet-tasting mixture of apples, cinnamon, wine, and nuts. Charoset is symbolic of the mortar that the Jewish slaves used when being forced to build Egyptian storehouses. T</p>\n\n<p>KARPAS</p>\n\n<p> <em>Karpas</em> is a vegetable, often celery or potatoes, which is dipped into salted water or vinegar. The plain, bitter taste of this food also reinforces the brutal life of the Jewish slaves, which was frought with scarcity and pain. The participants at the Passover Seder meal taste the pain of their ancestors. The vegetable serves a secondary purpose - the promise that spring is on its way. Like many of the elements of the Passover dinner, the dual nature of the dish both reminds us of the past struggles of our ancestors, and celebrates their successful journey to freedom.</p>\n\n<p>ZEROAH</p>\n\n<p> <em>Zeroah</em> is the second-to-last dish on the Passover Seder Plate. Zeroah is the only meat included on the dish. Usually, zeroah is a shank bone of meat or poultry. In ancient Jeruselum, the Jews celebrated the first night of Passover by sacrificing a lamb in the Temple, roasting it, and consuming it on the eve of the Exodus. The lamb was known as the Pesach offering. After the temple was destroyed, the zeroah became part of the Seder Plate to invoke the offering of Pesach. For vegetarians, the Pesach sacrifice can be represented by a beet.</p>\n\n<p>BEITZAH</p>\n\n<p> <em>Beitzah</em> is an egg which has been roasted to symbolize another ancient Jerusalem sacrifice - the Korban Chagigah. The Chagigah was a meat sacrifice, yet on the Seder Plate it is represented by an egg for two reasons. The egg is symbolic of mourning and represents sadness after the Temple's destruction and in knowing that no sacrifices could be offered there. Another meaning behind the Beitzah is that it celebrates Spring, renewal, and rejuvenation.</p>\n\n<p>AN ORANGE - A NEW ADDITION TO THE PASSOVER SEDER PLATE</p>\n\n<p>The origin of the orange comes from an interesting, though unverified story, that the orange earned its way onto the Seder plate after a stuffy rabbi said, \"A woman belongs on the bimah like an orange belongs on the Seder plate!\" </p>\n\n<p>The symbolic foods of the Passover Seder Plate each have an interesting and layered meaning. They come together to create an atmosphere which reflects upon, sympathizes, and celebrates the tragedies and triumphs of our Jewish ancestors and the Exodus from Egypt.</p>\n",
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"body": "<p>The entire story of the Haggadah is contained in the Seder plate; everything on it symbolizes an aspect of Exodus:</p>\n\n<p>Zeroa, a roasted bone, beet or “Pashcal yam”. Evokes the offering made at the Temple in ancient times.</p>\n\n<p>Beitza, a boiled egg, symbolizes the circle of life and death.</p>\n\n<p>Maror, a bitter herb, reminds us of the bitterness of enslavement.</p>\n\n<p>Charoset, a mixture of fruit, nuts, wine and spices, represents the mortar our ancestors used to build the structures of Mitzrayim</p>\n\n<p>Karpas, a green vegetable, symbolizes hope and renewal.</p>\n\n<p>Chazeret, the bitter herb for the “sandwich” we eat later, following the custom established by Hillel the Elder, as a reminder that our ancestors “ate matzah and bitter herbs together” </p>\n\n<p>Orange, represents women's place in Jewish life. The story goes that a man once said that \"a woman belongs on the bimah as an orange on the seder plate\". </p>",
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"body": "<p> All: On all other nights we eat leavened bread and matzah. Why on this night only matzah?</p>\n\n<p>Reader: Avadot hayinu. We were slaves. We were slaves in Mitzrayim. Our mothers in their flight from bondage in Mitzrayim did not have time to let the dough rise. With not a moment to spare they snatched up the dough they had prepared and fled. But the hot sun beat as they carried the dough along with them and baked it into the flat unleavened bread we call matzah. In memory of this, we eat only matzah, no bread, during Passover. This matzah represents our rush to freedom.</p>\n\n<p>All: On all other nights we eat all kinds of vegetables. Why on this night do we make certain to eat bitter herbs?</p>\n\n<p>Reader: Avadot hayinu. We were slaves. We eat maror to remind us how bitter our ancestors’ lives were made by their enslavement in Mitzrayim.</p>\n\n<p>All: On all other nights we do not usually dip food once. Why on this night do we dip twice? Reader: Avadot hayinu. We were slaves. The first time we dip our greens to taste the brine of enslavement. We also dip to remind ourselves of all life and growth, of earth and sea, which gives us sustenance and comes to life again in the springtime. The second time we dip the maror into the charoset. The charoset reminds us of the mortar that our ancestors mixed as slaves in Mitzrayim. But our charoset is made of fruit and nuts, to show us that our ancestors were able to withstand the bitterness of slavery because it was sweetened by the hope of freedom.</p>\n\n<p>All: On all other nights we sit on straight chairs. Why on this night do we relax and recline on pillows during the seder?</p>\n\n<p>Reader: Avadot hayinu. We were slaves. Long ago, the wealthy Romans rested on couches during their feasts. Slaves were not allowed to rest, not even while they ate. Since our ancestors were freed from slavery, we recline to remind our selves that we, like our ancestors, can overcome bondage in our own time. We also recline to remind ourselves that rest and rejuvenation are vital to continuing our struggles. We should take pleasure in reclining, even as we share our difficult stories.</p>\n",
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"body": "<p>At Passover each year, we read the story of our ancestors' pursuit of liberation from oppression. When confronting this history, how do we answer our children when they ask us how to pursue justice in our time? </p>\n\n\n\n<p><strong>What does the Activist Child ask? </strong></p>\n\n<p> <em>\"The Torah tells me, \"Justice, justice, you shall pursue', but how can I pursue justice?\"</em> </p>\n\n<p>Empower her always to seek pathways to advocate for the vulnerable. As Proverbs teaches, \"Speak up for the mute, for the rights of the unfortunate. speak up, judge righteously, champion the poor and the needy.\" </p>\n\n<p><strong><u>What does the Skeptical Child ask? </u></strong></p>\n\n<p> <em>\"How can I solve problems of such enormity?\" </em> </p>\n\n<p>Encourage him by explaining that he need not solve the problems, he must only do what he is capable of doing. Awe read in Pirke Avot, \"It is not your responsibility to complete the work, but neither are you free to desist from it.\"</p>\n\n<p><strong><u>What does the Indifferent Child say?</u></strong></p>\n\n<p> <em>\"It's not my resposibility.\"</em> </p>\n\n<p>Persuade her that responsibility cannot be shirked. As Abraham Joshua Heschel write, \"The opposite of good is not evil, the opposite of good is indifference. In a free society where terrible wrongs exist, some are guilty, but all are responsible.\" </p>\n\n<p><strong><u>And the Uninformed Child who does not know how to ask... </u></strong></p>\n\n<p>Prompt him to see himself as an inheritor of our people's legacy. As it says in Deuteronomy, \"You must befriend the stranger, for you were strangers in the land of Egypt.\" </p>\n\n\n\n<p><strong>At this season of liberation, let us work toward the liberation of all people. Let us respond to our children's questions with action and justice. </strong></p>\n",
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"body": "<p>The name of this beautiful prayer is Dayenu, which means “it would have sufficed” or “we would have been satisfied.” Perhaps “grateful” would be a better translation. Dayenu is the song of our gratitude. A Jewish philosopher was once asked, “what is the opposite of hopelessness?” And he said, “Dayenu,” the ability to be thankful for what we have received, for what we are.</p>\n\n<p>The first prayer that a Jew is expected to recite upon waking expresses hir gratitude for being alive. This holds for all generations, and surely ours. For each of us, every day should be an act of grace, every hour a miraculous offering.</p>\n",
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"body": "<p>Recline right back and you'll hear a tale, a tale of a fateful trip</p>\n\n<p>that started many years ago in old, ancient Egypt</p>\n\n<p>The Jews were forced to work as slaves, they suffered that ordeal</p>\n\n<p>We celebrate their Exodus with a three hour meal, a three hour meal!</p>\n\n<p>The Pharoah was an evil dude, his wrath would not replent</p>\n\n<p>If not for the effort of the fearless Jews... we'd all be keeping Lent (2x)</p>\n\n<p>They landed in the desert after parting the Red Sea</p>\n\n<p>With Moses, and Aaron too, each Israelite and his wife</p>\n\n<p>A movie star, the Professor, and Miriam... here on Passover night! </p>\n",
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"body": "<p> <em>You haven't fully celebrated Pesach.... </em> </p>\n\n<p>Unless you have actually tasted the bitterness of bondage, and resolve never to inflict it upon another person's spirit or will. </p>\n\n<p><em>You haven't fully celebrated Pesach.... </em></p>\n\n<p>Unless you have felt the anguish of those whose daily fare is not much more ample than unleavened bread, and have resolved to help alleviate their plight. </p>\n\n<p><em>You haven't fully celebrated Pesach.... </em></p>\n\n<p>Unless you take fresh delight in the glories of the new Spring season, and profound exultation in the redemption of our people from slavery to freedom, in days past, and in your own times. </p>\n\n<p><em>You haven't fully celebrated Pesach.... </em></p>\n\n<p>Unless you have truly said \"Dayenu\" - Thank you, O Lord our Gd, for the blessings which you have bestowed upon us. Even a fraction of them would call forth my gratitude</p>\n\n<p><em>You haven't fully celebrated Pesach.... </em></p>\n\n<p>Until you realize that like Mose, you are obligated to resist that evil which threatens not yourself alone, but others... and that your fate is inexorably bund up with the fate of humankind everywhere in the world</p>\n\n<p><em>You haven't fully celebrated Pesach.... </em></p>\n\n<p>Until every Jew, every human being, lives in freedom and dignity, in a world in which nation shall not lift up sword against nation, neither shall they learn war any more. </p>\n",
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"og:title": "Shehecheyanu | Passover haggadah by Ayala Livny",
"og:description": "Our simple platform allows you to create a custom Passover Haggadah, with access to unique content contributed by our community. Find artwork, family",
"og:image": "https://assets.haggadot.com/clips/9791/conversions/Shehecheyanu-cover.jpg"
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