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"og:title": "Quick Seder Plate Guide | Passover haggadah by Zvi Bellin",
"og:description": "Our simple platform allows you to create a custom Passover Haggadah, with access to unique content contributed by our community. Find artwork, family",
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"Introduction": [
"Opening Song",
"Ice Breaker",
"Matzah Show - Muppets Parody",
"The Passover Seder - A How-To Guide ",
"No Seder Like Our Seder",
"Two Minute Haggadah",
"The Sorting Hat of Passover",
"What is Hametz?",
"What is Kitniyot?",
"A Half-Baked Passover History Mystery",
"Quick Seder Plate Guide",
"": [
"Five Fun Facts About Passover",
"Four Parents",
"Passover according to Lego"
"Kadesh": [
"Take Us Out of Egypt"
"Urchatz": [
"Hand Washing"
"Karpas": [
"Karpas Drawing Activity",
"Yachatz": [
"Bread of Affliction",
"The Middle Matzah Horcrux",
"Visual Yachatz"
"Maggid - Beginning": [
"Passover Play - a ten minute script for all ages",
"Maggid in Egypt (sephardi)",
"No Seder Like Our Seder - A Passover Song"
"-- Exodus Story": [
"Star Wars / Sci-fi Seder Intro",
"Exodus Story - Drawing Activity",
"macabeats story",
"DAYENU: An Exercise in Gratitude",
"Let Us Go",
"Three Second Flip Book Haggadah",
"Moses Parts the Sea",
"Seda' Club"
"-- Four Questions": [
"Four Funny Questions",
"Dr. Seuss' Four Questions",
"Ma Nishtana (The Four Questions) - Learn what they mean and how to sing them"
"-- Four Children": [
"Four Children",
"Four Children - Drawing Activity (2)",
"Four Sons Song - to the tune of Clementine ",
"Four sons",
"The Child Who Doesn't Know how to Ask a Question",
"The Simple Child",
"The Wicked Child",
"The Wise Child",
"Four Children",
"GBM Four Children Art Contest"
"-- Ten Plagues": [
"Ten Plagues - Frog ",
"Science explanation of the Plagues",
"Bible Raps Presents: Oregon Hillel Raps the Plagues",
"The Ten Plagues"
"-- Cup #2 & Dayenu": [
"We are grateful ~ Dayenu",
"Dayenu (English - song)",
"Dayenu: Learn the words to the Passover Seder song"
"Rachtzah": [
"Step-By-Step Seder: Step 6, Rachtza"
"Songs": [
"The Enchanted Matza",
"Eliana Light, “BaShanah HaZeh”",
"Chag Gad Ya Emoji Style",
"I'll Be There for You"
"Motzi-Matzah": [
"Shmurah Matzah"
"Maror": [
"Maror (Bitter Herbs) by Hanan Harchol",
"Koreich": [
"who invented the sandwhich",
"Visual Koreich"
"Shulchan Oreich": [
"Let's Eat!",
"Matzah Ball Soup",
"Stump the Adults! (courtesy of Nancy Becker)",
"Just Joking: Shulchan Orech"
"Tzafun": [
"Find the Afikomen!",
"Uncle Eli Afikoman"
"Bareich": [
"Pouring Elijah's and Miriam's Cup (simplified for children)",
"Miriam's Cup",
"Opening the Door for Elijah ",
"Uncle Eli - Opening the Door",
"Hallel": [
"Haggadah Haiku",
"Heschel on Kindness",
"Direct Contact",
"Hinei Ma Tov",
"Welcoming Others"
"Nirtzah": [
"Chad Gadya"
"Commentary / Readings": [
"Seder Table ",
"Family Passover Scavanger Hunt",
"Jokes for Kids: The best clean Pesach jokes I've found "
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"handle": "key-elements-include-your-telling-passover-story",
"title": "Key Elements to Include in your Telling of the Passover Story",
"author": "Zvi Bellin",
"author_handle": "zvi",
"author_initials": "ZB",
"covertext": "Key Elements to Include in your Telling of the Passover Story by Isaac Zoneso Context: Joseph sold to slavery by broth...",
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"body": "<p><strong><span>Key Elements to Include in your Telling of the Passover Story<br /> by Isaac Zones</span></strong></p><p><span>o<span> </span></span>Context: Joseph sold to slavery by brothers and heads to Egypt. Interprets Pharoah’s dreams and helps Egypt stock up on food before predicted famine. Joseph rescues rest of family and brings them to Egypt when they are starving. Jews begin living in Egypt.</p><p><span>o<span> </span></span>Centuries later the new Pharoah fears the power of the many Jews and enslaves them before they can rise up against him. He also orders the death of the first born sons.</p><p><span>o<span> </span></span>Moses is the first born son in his family. He is sent out in a basket on the Nile river and sister Miriam follows. He is adopted by the Pharoah’s daughter and becomes a “Prince of Egypt.”</p><p><span>o<span> </span></span>At an older age he fights an Egyptian slave master who is beating a Jewish slave and Moses kills the slave master. He then flees the palace and becomes a shepherd and marries.</p><p><span>o<span> </span></span>While tending his flock Moses comes across G-d disguised as a burning bush and G-d tells Moses to instruct Pharoah to “let his people go.” Moses brings his brother Aaron because he’s got a stutter and is timid.</p><p><span>o<span> </span></span>Moses’ plea is denied and G-d sends a plague: turning water to blood. After each plague Moses returns to pharaoh to demand he let his people go. Each time he is denied. G-d sends 10 plagues: Blood, Frogs, Lice, Beasts, Pestilence, Boils, Hail, Locusts, Darkness and finally the death of the first born son. </p><p><span>o<span> </span></span>At the sight of his firstborn son’s death, Pharoah instructs Moses to take the Jews away. The Jews had marked their doors with lamb’s blood so that the angel of death would “pass-over” their homes and not kill their first born.</p><p><span>o<span> </span></span>The Jews fled quickly with only enough time to make matzah instead of bread.</p><p><span>o<span> </span></span>Pharoah’s army chased them and soon they were stuck when they approached the Red Sea.</p><p><span>o<span> </span></span>Nachshon entered the water and only when he had gone in past his nose did the sea part and allow the Jews to cross safely. The waters crashed down on the Egyptians when they tried to cross and the army drowned.</p><p><span>o<span> </span></span>Jews celebrated on the other side with Moses’s sister Miriam leading the way. G-d reminded the Jews not to celebrate the death of the Egyptians – for they were also his children.</p><p><span>o<span> </span></span>This began a 40 year journey through the desert where they searched for the promised land. Over this time they receive the torah and 10 commandments at Mt. Sinai and learned who they were as a people. No Jew from Egypt lived to see the promised land and the Jews entered the land of milk and honey as a people who had been born free.</p>",
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"og:description": "Our simple platform allows you to create a custom Passover Haggadah, with access to unique content contributed by our community. Find artwork, family",
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"meta_tags": {
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"og:title": "Quick Seder Plate Guide | Passover haggadah by Zvi Bellin",
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Quick Seder Plate Guide
Haggadah Section: Introduction
Seder Plate

Moishe House (www.moishehouse.org) worked with educators from JewishLearning.com to create this awesome quick guide to your seder plate!
Clip Featured in Haggadot'sOur Favorites For Families
Our Favorites For Families
Table of contentsPesach Opening Song Ice Breaker Matzah Show - Muppets Parody The Passover Seder - A How-To Guide No Seder Like Our Seder Two Minute Haggadah The Sorting Hat of Passover Jokes What is Hametz? What is Kitniyot? A Half-Baked Passover History Mystery Quick Seder Plate Guide Matzah Five Fun Facts About Passover Four Parents Passover according to Lego Kiddush Take Us Out of Egypt Hand Washing Karpas Drawing Activity Ha'Adamah Bread of Affliction The Middle Matzah Horcrux Visual Yachatz Passover Play - a ten minute script for all ages Maggid in Egypt (sephardi) No Seder Like Our Seder - A Passover Song Star Wars / Sci-fi Seder Intro Exodus Story - Drawing Activity macabeats story DAYENU: An Exercise in Gratitude Let Us Go Three Second Flip Book Haggadah Moses Parts the Sea Seda' Club Four Funny Questions Dr. Seuss' Four Questions Ma Nishtana (The Four Questions) - Learn what they mean and how to sing them Four Children Four Children - Drawing Activity (2) Four Sons Song - to the tune of Clementine Four sons The Child Who Doesn't Know how to Ask a Question The Simple Child The Wicked Child The Wise Child Four Children GBM Four Children Art Contest Ten Plagues - Frog Science explanation of the Plagues Bible Raps Presents: Oregon Hillel Raps the Plagues The Ten Plagues We are grateful ~ Dayenu Dayenu (English - song) Dayenu: Learn the words to the Passover Seder song Rachtzah Step-By-Step Seder: Step 6, Rachtza The Enchanted Matza Eliana Light, “BaShanah HaZeh” Chag Gad Ya Emoji Style I'll Be There for You Shmurah Matzah Horseradish Maror Maror (Bitter Herbs) by Hanan Harchol maror who invented the sandwhich Visual Koreich Let's Eat! Matzah Ball Soup Stump the Adults! (courtesy of Nancy Becker) Just Joking: Shulchan Orech Find the Afikomen! Uncle Eli Afikoman Pouring Elijah's and Miriam's Cup (simplified for children) Miriam's Cup Opening the Door for Elijah Barech Uncle Eli - Opening the Door Bareich Haggadah Haiku Heschel on Kindness Direct Contact Hinei Ma Tov Welcoming Others Nirtzah Nirtzah Chad Gadya Seder Table Family Passover Scavanger Hunt Jokes for Kids: The best clean Pesach jokes I've found
- Introduction
- Kadesh
- Urchatz
- Karpas
- Yachatz
- Maggid - Beginning
- -- Exodus Story
- -- Four Questions
- -- Four Children
- -- Ten Plagues
- -- Cup #2 & Dayenu
- Rachtzah
- Songs
- Motzi-Matzah
- Maror
- Koreich
- Shulchan Oreich
- Tzafun
- Bareich
- Hallel
- Nirtzah
- Commentary / Readings
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