Passover In a Nutshell

Haggadah Section: Introduction

Welcome to Passover, the one and only eight-day holiday in which you spend much of your time cramped around a table with your entire extended family, reading this haggadah. And if you weren't sure whether you were celebrating it, you can be sure now, because you're here, reading this, a marker of the holiday.

Passover means different things to different people. Some more optimistic souls will say that Passover celebrates freedom, particularly the freedom of Jews from Egypt. But does being cramped around a table for one or two whole nights with your family convey independence? And does eating matzvah,  the most disgusting bread product ever, show privilege? And when you eat bitter herbs, which are supposed to make you cry, do you feel liberated?  If you answer no, which the majority of surveyees will respond, what  does  Passover celebrate? 

If Passover celebrates freedom, then there has to be a period before that. A time when the Jews were still slaves, Pharoah was still mean, and G-d was still in the background.  That  time is why we eat bitter herbs.  That  time is why we eat matzah, and not tastier bread, because the Jews didn't have time to let it rise so that they could make sure they could leave Egypt. Many of the elements of the holiday, all except for the optimistic freedom-oriented ending, are saying how awful Egypt was and how G-d helped the Jews  leave.  

Passover  is  about freedom, but that is only part of the story. The other part, the beginning part, is slavery and hardship and desperate people trying to leave. The story is so happy in the end because people were rescued from disaster. The Jews were rescued from Egypt. So when you celebrate, keep in mind that there was a before, a horrible, dark before, and we are here, rejoicing in the after.

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Esther Kustanowitz
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JQ International
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American Jewish World Service
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PJ Library
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Secular Synagogue
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The Blue Dove Foundation
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Jewish Emergent Network
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Passover Guide

Hosting your first Passover Seder? Not sure what food to serve? Curious to
know more about the holiday? Explore our Passover 101 Guide for answers
to all of your questions.

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