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Dayenu- My personal dayenu"s

Haggadah Section: -- Cup #2 & Dayenu

Choose a Dayenu below and explain your choice.

1. To be grateful to still be alive & at the seder!

2. Seeing a dog chase its own tail!

3. For the ability to see the humor in any situation!

4. When someone makes you your favorite meal!

5. For the ability to walk up and downstairs!

6. For a complete and speedy recovery from an accident!

7. If I had been blessed with only the gifts of dancing and singing!

8. The ability to say, I was wrong!

9, That I have a Jewish organization on campus or in my community!

10. Eating the last piece of dessert somebody left at your house!

11.Having an environment which is conducive to learning and growing!

12. Having the ability to hear a trickle of rain!

13. When someone else says sorry to you!

14. For shoes for protecting your feet when you are out!

15. Just one person who understands everything you’re going through!

16. Matzah ball soup at the Seder!

17. When someone says YES to you!

18. The ability to see G-d in your life!

19. When you are okay with silence!

20. Knowing that my Parents are always there!

21. Getting likes on facebook!

22. The ability to see the good even in the bad!

23. That moment you find something you didn’t even know you lost!

24. Using rock-paper- scissors to settle anything!

25. Knowing that your pillow is waiting for you when you go to sleep!

26. Eating cookies like cookie Monster!

27. The ability to cry!

28. Getting a hug from a small kid!

29. Hitting a bunch of green lights in a row!

30. Getting a great compliment!

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Passover Guide

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