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"Opening Song",
"Ice Breaker",
"Matzah Show - Muppets Parody",
"The Passover Seder - A How-To Guide ",
"No Seder Like Our Seder",
"Two Minute Haggadah",
"The Sorting Hat of Passover",
"What is Hametz?",
"What is Kitniyot?",
"A Half-Baked Passover History Mystery",
"Quick Seder Plate Guide",
"": [
"Five Fun Facts About Passover",
"Four Parents",
"Passover according to Lego"
"Kadesh": [
"Take Us Out of Egypt"
"Urchatz": [
"Hand Washing"
"Karpas": [
"Karpas Drawing Activity",
"Yachatz": [
"Bread of Affliction",
"The Middle Matzah Horcrux",
"Visual Yachatz"
"Maggid - Beginning": [
"Passover Play - a ten minute script for all ages",
"Maggid in Egypt (sephardi)",
"No Seder Like Our Seder - A Passover Song"
"-- Exodus Story": [
"Star Wars / Sci-fi Seder Intro",
"Exodus Story - Drawing Activity",
"macabeats story",
"DAYENU: An Exercise in Gratitude",
"Let Us Go",
"Three Second Flip Book Haggadah",
"Moses Parts the Sea",
"Seda' Club"
"-- Four Questions": [
"Four Funny Questions",
"Dr. Seuss' Four Questions",
"Ma Nishtana (The Four Questions) - Learn what they mean and how to sing them"
"-- Four Children": [
"Four Children",
"Four Children - Drawing Activity (2)",
"Four Sons Song - to the tune of Clementine ",
"Four sons",
"The Child Who Doesn't Know how to Ask a Question",
"The Simple Child",
"The Wicked Child",
"The Wise Child",
"Four Children",
"GBM Four Children Art Contest"
"-- Ten Plagues": [
"Ten Plagues - Frog ",
"Science explanation of the Plagues",
"Bible Raps Presents: Oregon Hillel Raps the Plagues",
"The Ten Plagues"
"-- Cup #2 & Dayenu": [
"We are grateful ~ Dayenu",
"Dayenu (English - song)",
"Dayenu: Learn the words to the Passover Seder song"
"Rachtzah": [
"Step-By-Step Seder: Step 6, Rachtza"
"Songs": [
"The Enchanted Matza",
"Eliana Light, “BaShanah HaZeh”",
"Chag Gad Ya Emoji Style",
"I'll Be There for You"
"Motzi-Matzah": [
"Shmurah Matzah"
"Maror": [
"Maror (Bitter Herbs) by Hanan Harchol",
"Koreich": [
"who invented the sandwhich",
"Visual Koreich"
"Shulchan Oreich": [
"Let's Eat!",
"Matzah Ball Soup",
"Stump the Adults! (courtesy of Nancy Becker)",
"Just Joking: Shulchan Orech"
"Tzafun": [
"Find the Afikomen!",
"Uncle Eli Afikoman"
"Bareich": [
"Pouring Elijah's and Miriam's Cup (simplified for children)",
"Miriam's Cup",
"Opening the Door for Elijah ",
"Uncle Eli - Opening the Door",
"Hallel": [
"Haggadah Haiku",
"Heschel on Kindness",
"Direct Contact",
"Hinei Ma Tov",
"Welcoming Others"
"Nirtzah": [
"Chad Gadya"
"Commentary / Readings": [
"Seder Table ",
"Family Passover Scavanger Hunt",
"Jokes for Kids: The best clean Pesach jokes I've found "
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"body": "<p><strong>Caged Bird</strong></p>\n\n<p>By Maya Angelou</p>\n\n<p>A free bird leaps - on the back of the wind - and floats downstream - till the current ends - and dips his wing - in the orange sun rays - and dares to claim the sky.</p>\n\n<p>But a bird that stalks - down his narrow cage - can seldom see through - his bars of rage - his wings are clipped and - his feet are tied - so he opens his throat to sing.</p>\n\n<p>The caged bird sings - with a fearful trill - of things unknown - but longed for still - and his tune is heard - on the distant hill - for the caged bird - sings of freedom.</p>\n\n<p>The free bird thinks of another breeze - and the trade winds soft through the sighing trees - and the fat worms waiting on a dawn bright lawn - and he names the sky his own</p>\n\n<p>But a caged bird stands on the grave of dreams - his shadow shouts on a nightmare scream - his wings are clipped and his feet are tied - so he opens his throat to sing.</p>\n\n<p>The caged bird sings - with a fearful trill - of things unknown - but longed for still - and his tune is heard - on the distant hill - for the caged bird - sings of freedom</p>\n",
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"meta_tags": {
"title": "I Know Why the Caged Bird Sings | Passover haggadah by Laura Mandel",
"description": "Our simple platform allows you to create a custom Passover Haggadah, with access to unique content contributed by our community. Find artwork, family",
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"og:url": "https://www.haggadot.com/clip/i-know-why-caged-bird-sings",
"og:title": "I Know Why the Caged Bird Sings | Passover haggadah by Laura Mandel",
"og:description": "Our simple platform allows you to create a custom Passover Haggadah, with access to unique content contributed by our community. Find artwork, family",
"og:image": "https://assets.haggadot.com/clips/11193/conversions/bill-day-maya-angelou-cover.jpg"
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"meta_tags": {
"title": "Chag Gad Ya Emoji Style | Passover haggadah by Laura Mandel",
"description": "Our simple platform allows you to create a custom Passover Haggadah, with access to unique content contributed by our community. Find artwork, family",
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"og:title": "Chag Gad Ya Emoji Style | Passover haggadah by Laura Mandel",
"og:description": "Our simple platform allows you to create a custom Passover Haggadah, with access to unique content contributed by our community. Find artwork, family",
"og:image": "https://assets.haggadot.com/clips/164659/conversions/chag-gadyah-cover.jpg"
Chag Gad Ya Emoji Style
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