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Haggadah Section: Songs

Bendigamos is a song sung by many different Sepharadi communities, especially those whose lineage is traced to the Expulsion. Of note, it has become the “signature tune” of the Spanish and Portuguese Jews’ Congregation of the UK, centred in London at Bevis Marks Synagogue. The song, which is in literary Spanish, not Judaeo-Spanish (“Ladino”), is said to have originated amongst Sepharadim in Bordeaux. The next known record of it is in the Dutch West Indies (Suriname and Curaçao), and from there it became known in Western Sepharadi communities, in New York, Philadelphia, Amsterdam, and finally London, where it is sung at the conclusion of most communal meals, prior to Birkat haMazon (in New York and Amsterdam, it is sung after Birkat haMazon ). The song itself is not a stand-in for Birkat haMazon , but a vernacular supplication, likely originally intended for those who had had to leave traditional/conventional Jewish life due to persecution, but still wished to participate in communal ritual.

*During Passover, the words “el pan” (the bread) in the fifth stanza, are substituted with “los matsot” (the matzahs)


Bendigamos al Altísimo,
Al Señor que nos crió,
Démosle agradecimiento
Por los bienes que nos dió.

Alabado sea su Santo Nombre,
Porque siempre nos apiadó.
Load al Señor que es bueno,
Que para siempre su merced.

Bendigamos al Altísimo,
Por su Ley primeramente,
Que liga a nuestra raza
Con el cielo continuamente,

Alabado sea su Santo Nombre,
Porque siempre nos apiadó.
Load al Senor que es bueno,
Que para siempre su merced.

Bendigamos al Altísimo,
Por el pan (las matsot*) segundamente,
Y también por los manjares
Que comimos juntamente.

Pues comimos y bebimos alegremente
Su merced nunca nos faltó.
Load al Señor que es bueno,
Que para siempre su merced.

Bendita sea la casa esta,
El hogar de su presencia,
Donde guardamos su fiesta,
Con alegría y permanencia.

Alabado sea su Santo Nombre,
Porque siempre nos apiadó.
Load al Señor que es bueno,
Que para siempre su merced.

 Let us bless the Most HighThe Lord who raised us, Let us give him thanks
For the good things which he gave us Praised be his Holy Name, Because he always took pity on us. Praise the Lord, for he is good, For his mercy is everlasting. Let us bless the Most High
First for his Law, Which binds our prayer With heaven continually, Praised be his Holy Name,
Because he always took pity on us. Praise the Lord, for he is good, For his mercy is everlasting. Let us bless the Most High, Secondly for the bread (matzahs*) And also for the food Which we eat together. For we have eaten and drunk happily His mercy has never failed us.
Praise the Lord, for he is good, For his mercy is everlasting. Blessed be this house, The home of his presence, Where we keep his feast, With happiness and permanence. Praised be his Holy Name, Because he always took pity on us. Praise the Lord, for he is good, For his mercy is everlasting.

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Passover Guide

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